Dutch want their mussels free from micro-plastic litter, call on EU to act

Series Title
Series Details 18.06.13
Publication Date 18/06/2013
Content Type

Toxic substances contained in micro-plastic waste can enter the food chain through ingestion by marine fauna like sea cucumbers, plankton and mussels, claim the Dutch, who addressed the issue at a meeting with the EU environment ministers on the 18 June 2013.

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/science-policymaking/dutch-want-mussels-free-micro-pl-news-528673
Related Links
ESO: Background Information: Environment: What should we do about plastic waste? New Green Paper opens EU-wide reflection http://www.europeansources.info/record/press-release-environment-what-should-we-do-about-plastic-waste-new-green-paper-opens-eu-wide-reflection/

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