Despite costly bailouts, Germany still benefits from the euro: Study

Series Title
Series Details 03.05.13
Publication Date 03/05/2013
Content Type

Even if Germany had to write off the loans it extended to Southern European countries as part of the eurozone’s emergency rescue measures, the economic advantages of its membership would still be overwhelming, according to a recent study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung.

The bailout programmes adopted to rescue Greece, Portugal and Ireland from bankruptcy have engrained the notion in the German public of their high cost to taxpayers. An opinion poll conducted in the summer of 2012 showed a whopping 65% of respondents would favour returning to the Deutschmark.

Yet, this overlooks the huge benefits derived from Germany’s euro membership, according to a study published by the Bertelsmann Stiftung on 30 April.

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Bertelsmann Stiftung, Report: How Germany Benefits from the Euro in Economic Terms

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