Press Release: European Neighbourhood Policy in 2012: Continuing engagement for a stronger cooperation with neighbours despite turbulent political and economic conditions

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/245 (20.03.13)
Publication Date 20/03/2013
Content Type

On 20 March 2013 the European Neighbourhood Policy Package for 2013 was adopted.

The Package consisted of a Joint Communication of the Commission and the High Representative and twelve Country Progress Reports assessing the implementation of the ENP in 2012 in the twelve neighbouring countries with which an ENP Action Plan or an Association Agenda has been agreed; two regional reports reviewing the progress made in 2012 in the implementation of the Eastern Partnership and the Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with southern Mediterranean partners; and a report with quantitative indicators of progress toward reform (Statistical Annex).

In 2013, the focus of the ENP communication and the progress reports was the implementation of commitments, both on the EU's side and the partners' side. How well are ENP partner countries delivering on their reform agenda and in building sustainable democracies? How far is the EU delivering on its commitment to provide a stronger support (political, financial, economic integration) to those countries which were more ambitious in their reforms?

2012 was a challenging year in the neighbourhood. Democratic transitions in southern neighbours proved long and often difficult, despite some advances on democratic elections. In the Eastern neighbourhood also, the democratic transition remained uneven. How much is the EU making use of all its tools to offer a comprehensive approach and a stronger partnership to the ENP countries?

All these questions are at the heart of the 2013 ENP Package.

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Related Links
European Commission: RAPID: Press Release, IP/13/246: EU cooperation positively perceived by its neighbours
European Commission: RAPID: SPEECH/13/246: Speech: Presentation of the European Neighbourhood Policy package
European Commission: RAPID: SPPECH/13/245: Press points: Presentation of the annual ENP Package

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