Special Issue: Confronting Euroscepticism

Series Title
Series Details Vol.51, No.1, January 2013, p1-166
Publication Date January 2013
ISSN 0021-9886
Content Type

SIMON USHERWOOD and NICK STARTIN: Euroscepticism as a Persistent Phenomenon

PAUL TAGGART and ALEKS SZCZERBIAK: Coming in from the Cold? Euroscepticism, Government Participation and Party Positions on Europe

SIMONA GUERRA: Does Familiarity Breed Contempt? Determinants of Public Support for European Integration and Opposition to It before and after Accession

FABIO SERRICCHIO, MYRTO TSAKATIKA and LUCIA QUAGLIA: Euroscepticism and the Global Financial Crisis

NICK STARTIN and ANDRÉ KROUWEL: Euroscepticism Re-galvanized: The Consequences of the 2005 French and Dutch Rejections of the EU Constitution

NATHALIE BRACK: Euroscepticism at the Supranational Level: The Case of the ‘Untidy Right’ in the European Parliament

JOHN FITZGIBBON: Citizens against Europe? Civil Society and Eurosceptic Protest in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Denmark

MARIANNE SUNDLISÆTER SKINNER: Different Varieties of Euroscepticism? Conceptualizing and Explaining Euroscepticism in Western European Non-Member States

ANDREW DUFF: On Dealing with Euroscepticism

SOFIA VASILOPOULOU: Continuity and Change in the Study of Euroscepticism: Plus ça change?

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