Poverty gap widens between member states

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Series Title
Series Details 09.01.13
Publication Date 09/01/2013
Content Type

The European Commission launched the its Employment and Social Developments in Europe Review for 2012 on the 8 January 2013. This report provides the basic analysis to underpin policy developments under the inclusive growth strand of the Europe 2020 strategy. It replaced the earlier Social Situation Report and the Employment in Europe report.

The report said that after five years of economic crisis and the return of a recession in 2012, unemployment is hitting new peaks not seen for almost twenty years, household incomes have declined and the risk of poverty or exclusion is on the rise, especially in Member States in Southern and Eastern Europe.

The impact of the crisis on the social situation has now become more acute as the initial protective effects of lower tax receipts and higher levels of spending on social benefits (so-called 'automatic stabilisers') have weakened. A new divide is emerging between countries that seem trapped in a downward spiral of falling output, fast rising unemployment and eroding disposable incomes and those that have so far shown good or at least some resilience. The latter tend to have better-functioning labour markets and more robust welfare systems.

DG Employment builds on the first Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Review in this second edition, by conducting an analysis of the economic and social situation in the EU. Following a year which has seen several Member States witnessing escalating debt crises, public spending is decreasing. With different parts of the EU seeing different social and employment trends, finding the right policy responses in certain key areas is crucial. Long-term employment exclusion, its impact on the labour market and the broader social dimension, is considered in this context. The functioning and efficiency of various social protection systems is also examined, with a particular focus on the effect of distributional and design aspects. Finally, the Review looks at the impact of wage developments and the problem of skill mismatches as well, concluding a fair and equitable structural adjustment agenda is needed.

Source Link http://euobserver.com/social/118663
Related Links
European Commission: RAPID: Press Release, IP/13/5: Employment and Social Developments: growing divergence and higher risks of long-term exclusion http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-5_en.pdf
European Commission: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion: Employment and Social Developments in Europe Review http://ec.europa.eu/social/keyDocuments.jsp?policyArea=&type=0&country=0&year=0&advSearchKey=esdereport&mode=advancedSubmit&langId=en
EUObserver, 08.01.13: Southern EU countries post record job losses http://euobserver.com/economic/118664
Deutsche Welle, 08.01.13: EU Commission warns social gap widening in EU http://www.dw.de/eu-commission-warns-social-gap-widening-in-eu/a-16505581
Blog: Social Europe Journal, 18.01.13: European Labour Markets: Six Key Lessons From The Commission Report http://www.social-europe.eu/2013/01/european-labour-markets-six-key-lessons-from-the-commission-report/

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