Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the functioning of local Schengen cooperation during the first two years of implementation of the Visa Code

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2012) 648 final (7.11.12)
Publication Date 07/11/2012
Content Type ,

In its Communication on the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility of 18 November 2011, the Commission emphasised that promoting and facilitating mobility is a strategic element of EU external migration policy. It applies to a wide range of people, e.g. short-term visitors, tourists, students, researchers, business people and visiting family members. Mobility is therefore an important dimension of the EU’s Global Approach. Mobility and visa policy are closely inter-linked. Around 12 million short-stay visas were issued by Member States issuing ‘Schengen visas’ in 2011. Visa policy is a crucial element of any forward-looking policy on mobility.

As part of its response to historical developments in the Southern Mediterranean, the European Commission proposed in its Communication of 24 May 2011 to launch a Dialogue on Migration, Mobility and Security with the Southern Mediterranean countries. This could lead to the establishment of Mobility Partnerships with Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya. The Council has, in different formations, including the European Council of 24 June 2011, endorsed this approach. The recommendations of this report should also take account of these developments.

This report primarily addresses the implementation of local Schengen cooperation and sets out recommendations for enhancing and improving this cooperation. Additionally, it contains recommendations focusing on certain regional aspects such as consular coverage which links in with some of the priorities proposed in the Global Approach Communication.

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EUR-Lex: COM(2012)648: Follow the progress of this document through the decision-making procedure

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