Special issue: Introduction to the Symposium: Economic and Monetary Union and the Crisis of the Eurozone

Series Title
Series Details Vol.50, No.6, November 2012, p863-921
Publication Date November 2012
ISSN 0021-9886
Content Type

PAUL DE GRAUWE and YUEMEI JI: Mispricing of Sovereign Risk and Macroeconomic Stability in the Eurozone

FRANCESCO DRUDI, ALAIN DURRÉ and FRANCESCO PAOLO MONGELLI: The Interplay of Economic Reforms and Monetary Policy: The Case of the Eurozone

MARCO BUTI and NICOLAS CARNOT: The EMU Debt Crisis: Early Lessons and Reforms

SYLVESTER C.W. EIJFFINGER: Rating Agencies: Role and Influence of Their Sovereign Credit Risk Assessment in the Eurozone

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Subject Categories
Countries / Regions