EFTA: A model for EU trade deals?

Series Title
Series Details 12.10.12
Publication Date 12/10/2012
Content Type

EurActiv reported that countries in the 50-year-old European Free Trade Association (EFTA) seem to be more successful at striking free trade deals with third countries than the EU. But the ambitious second-generation agreements more recently negotiated by the EU might tell a different story

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/specialreport-free-trade-growth/efta-model-eu-trade-deals-news-515357
Related Links
EFTA: Free trade http://secretariat.efta.int/free-trade.aspx
European Commission: DG Enterprise and Industry: International Affairs: Facilitating Trade: Free Trade Agreements http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/international/facilitating-trade/free-trade/index_en.htm

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