Special Report No 12/2012: Did the Commission and Eurostat improve the process for producing reliable and credible European statistics?

Author (Corporate)
Series Details No.12, 2012 (September 2012)
Publication Date December 2012
ISBN 978-92-9237-760-1
ISSN 1831-0834
EC QJ-AB-12-011-EN-C
Content Type ,

Public confidence in European statistics is essential as an increasing number of decisions depend on reliable data and indicators. Since 2005 considerable efforts have been made to enhance the European statistical system. However, the move towards a better quality framework remains a challenge for all those involved both at the European level and within Member States. The Court recommends strengthening professional independence, providing sufficient resources, and stepping up supervision in order to make sure that quality standards are met.

Source Link http://dx.doi.org/10.2865/52635
Related Links
ECA: Press Release, No.33, 2012: “European Statistics Code of Practice still not fully implemented by Eurostat and Member States” - EU Auditors http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_ECA-12-33_en.htm
ECA: Special Report No 12/2012: Did the Commission and Eurostat improve the process for producing reliable and credible European statistics? [PDF] http://www.eca.europa.eu/Lists/ECADocuments/SR12_12/SR12_12_EN.PDF

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions