Author (Corporate) | European Commission |
Series Details | COM (2012) 286 |
Publication Date | 19/06/2012 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
The political commitment at EU level to address the problem of trafficking in human beings is reflected in the large number of initiatives, measures and funding programmes established in the area both within the EU and third countries as early as in the 1990s. A major step forward was the adoption of Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims. The Directive adopts a comprehensive, integrated approach that focuses on human rights and on the victims and is gender-specific. It is expected to have considerable impact, once fully transposed by the Member States by 6 April 2013. A number of EU instruments in various policy areas contribute to addressing trafficking in human beings. EU legislation on the right of victims of human trafficking to reside in the EU, on the sexual exploitation of children, and on sanctions against employers who knowingly employ illegally staying third country workers, complement the Directive. The EU Internal Security Strategy in Action further addresses trafficking in human beings. With such a wide range of legislative and policy measures, there is a risk of overlapping and duplication of initiatives. The objective of this new Strategy is to provide a coherent framework for existing and planned initiatives, to set priorities, to fill gaps and therefore complement Directive 2011/36/EU. The Commission has appointed an EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator who started work in 2011 and will oversee the implementation of this Strategy. The Commission has also developed a website dedicated to anti-trafficking that is regularly updated. |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Subject Tags | Organised Crime, Police | Judicial Cooperation |
Keywords | Human Trafficking |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |