Communication: A comprehensive approach to stimulating cross-border e-commerce for Europe’s citizens and businesses

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2016) 320 final (25.5.16)
Publication Date 25/05/2016
Content Type ,

This Communication presents a broad and comprehensive package of e-commerce measures through which the Commission is aiming to achieve the rapid removal of barriers to cross-border online activity in Europe. This is a pre-requisite for the full functioning of the Digital Single Market and will help to ensure consumers and businesses get better value and increased choice of online goods and services while providing businesses, particularly start-ups, with new opportunities to scale up across Europe.

This package of measures is in line with the call of the European Council for actions to remove the remaining barriers to the free circulation of goods and services sold online and to tackle unjustified discrimination on the grounds of geographic location and with the European Parliament's call for the Commission to dismantle barriers affecting e-commerce in order to build a genuine cross-border e-commerce market in Europe.

In its Strategy for a Digital Single Market (DSM) the Commission identified a number of areas where immediate action was required to break down barriers to cross-border online activity and to define an appropriate e-commerce framework. Preventing unjustified different treatment of consumers and businesses when they try to buy goods and services online within the EU is one of the key measures. Such discrimination can come in the form of nationality, residence or geographical location restrictions which run counter to the basic principles of the EU.

Similarly in its Single Market Strategy, as part of its broader efforts for a fairer Single Market, the Commission announced its intention to fight all forms of unjustified differentiated treatment of purchasers based in different Member States, irrespective of whether they are applied in direct sales or via distribution channels and regardless of how they take place.

This Communication presents a package of measures containing four key DSM proposals to boost the potential for cross-border e-commerce in Europe:
- A legislative proposal on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the Single Market;
- A legislative proposal revising the Regulation on Consumer Protection Cooperation;
- A legislative proposal proposing measures in the area of parcel delivery;
- Guidance on the implementation/application of the Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices [see Related URL].

The Communication explains how these four proposals relate to and complement each other and also how they relate to the other DSM proposals with major benefits for e-commerce, namely:
- The two legislative proposals on the supply of digital content and on online and other distance sales of goods which the Commission already adopted in December 2015;
- Upcoming VAT simplification proposals which are envisaged to be adopted in autumn 2016.

Together with existing rules such as the e-Commerce Directive, consumer and marketing law including the Consumer Rights Directive, the newly reformed data protection framework and competition law, these proposals, once adopted, will establish a comprehensive framework for unleashing the potential of e-commerce in Europe for the benefit of both consumers and businesses.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Commission proposes new e-commerce rules to help consumers and companies reap full benefit of Single Market
EUR-Lex: SWD(2016)163: Guidance on the implementation/application of Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices

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