Parliament votes bring ACTA closer to final rejection / European Parliament rejects ACTA

Series Title
Series Details 1.6.12
Publication Date 01/06/2012
Content Type

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) was rejected on the 31 May 2012 by all three subsidiary Committees advising the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament. Their positions are not binding on the Trade Committee, which would adopt its own position as lead committee on 21 June 2012 (see below)

Civil Liberties MEPs said ACTA failed to respect the EU's fundamental rights and the Industry Committee said it does not balance the rights and freedoms of the different stakeholders. The Legal Affairs Committee voted narrowly against a recommendation to approve the controversial Agreement.

The European Parliament should say NO to the Anti-Countefeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), said the International Trade Committee in a vote on the 21 June 2012. Thursday. Nineteen MEPs voted against ACTA, and twelve in favour, with no abstentions.

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), was rejected by the European Parliament on the 4 July 2012, and hence cannot become law in the EU. This was the first time that Parliament exercised its Lisbon Treaty power to reject an international trade agreement. 478 MEPs voted against ACTA, 39 in favour, and 165 abstained.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Update on ACTA's referral to the European Court of Justice
European Parliament: Press Release, 31.5.12: ACTA rejected by three EP committees
Wikipedia: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
European Commission: ACTA - Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Libération / Les Echos, 1.6.12: ACTA to get the axe (via PressEurop)
EUObserver, 15.6.12: Acta on the brink as MEPs prepare for key vote
Deutsche Welle, 21.6.12: Anti-piracy treaty falters in EU Parliament,,16040948,00.html
European Parliament: Press Release, 21.6.12: Parliament should say NO to ACTA, says International Trade Committee
EurActiv, 22.6.12: MEPs to 'finish off' ACTA on 4 July
EUObserver, 22.6.12: Anti-counterfeit treaty faces make-or-break vote in July
Rzeczpospolita, 4.7.12: MEPs vote down ACTA (via PressEurop)
EUObserver, 4.7.12: Acta in tatters after MEPs wield veto
European Parliament: Press Release, 4.7.12: European Parliament rejects ACTA
BBC News, 4.7.12: Acta: Controversial anti-piracy agreement rejected by EU
Deutsche Welle, 4.7.12: EU parliamentarians reject ACTA,,16070495,00.html
Spiegel Online International, 4.7.12: Intellectual Property Treaty Dies in European Parliament
EurActiv, 5.7.12: Goodbye ACTA: EU Parliament rejects anti-piracy treaty
Mediapart / Gazeta Wyborcza / Rzeczpospolita / Corriere della Sera / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 5.7.12: Victory over ACTA comes at a price (via PressEurop)
EUObserver, 12.7.12: Commission set for fresh collision course over Acta copy-cat clauses

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