Explore, exchange, experience: CEPOL European Police Exchange Programme 2011

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-9211-013-0
EC QR-31-11-326-EN-C
Content Type

The CEPOL Exchange Programme is a multilateral exchange of senior police officers, experts and police trainers from Member States of the European Union. The programme aims to promote mutual trust between training staff and senior police officers, resulting in the support and development of a European dimension to police cooperation and training. It provides the participants with the opportunity to create a network of colleagues and familiarise themselves with the working methods of other EU countries.

This publication is a record of the 2011 Exchange Programme. It combines information and statistics about the programme itself with personal accounts of some of the police officers that took part in exchanges.

Source Link http://www.cepol.europa.eu/fileadmin/website/newsroom/pubblications/promotional/Explore-Exchange-Experience.pdf
Related Links
CEPOL: Explore, exchange, experience: CEPOL European Police Exchange Programme 2011 http://dx.doi.org/10.2825/13656

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Countries / Regions