Parliament shoots down Commission’s energy tax plan

Series Title
Series Details 20.4.12
Publication Date 20/04/2012
Content Type

'Neutrality' should not be imposed to deprive diesel of its tax advantage over petrol, said a majority of Members of the European Parliament in a vote in the European Parliament on the 19 April 2012 on a proposal to reform energy taxation. The European Commission was proposing that the advantage it enjoys in most countries should be phased out.

[Note: this legislative proposal was withdrawn by the European Commission in March 2015]

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: RAPID: MEMO/12/262: Statement following the vote on the Energy Taxation Directive in the EP Plenary
ESO: Background information: EU tax plan would raise diesel price
European Parliament: Press Release, 19.4.12: Parliament opposes phase-out of diesel tax advantage
EUR-LEX: Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2003/96/EC restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity - COM / 2011 / 169

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