Press Release: Road safety: Progress in cutting EU road deaths falls to 2% in 2011

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/12/326 (29.03.12)
Publication Date 29/03/2012
Content Type

Progress in cutting road fatalities significantly slowed last year (to -2%) compared with a very promising EU-wide reduction throughout the last decade (on average -6%), according to new figures published by the European Commission.

Worse still, some EU Member States, like Germany and Sweden, who have very strong safety records, now show a significant increase in deaths. In other Member States, like Poland and Belgium – already lagging behind in road safety – the number of deaths went up. The problem of motorcycles – where fatalities have still not fallen after more than a decade – still persists.

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Related Links
European Commission: Memo/12/229: Speaking Vice President Kallas –Road Fatalities 2011

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