Merkel no longer set to campaign with Sarkozy / Sarkozy’s populist solo upsets duet with Merkel

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 15.3.12
Publication Date 15/03/2012
Content Type

President Nicolas Sarkozy of France said on the 14 March 2012 that that Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, would not, after all, appear with him at any of his 2012 election campaign rallies – a move firmly in line with a sharply critical tone adopted by the French President on the European Union in recent days.

In a subsequent commentary feature Tony Barber writes that a national election is 'when a nation takes a snapshot of its evolving political identity and renews its social contract by electing its leaders. At such a uniquely delicate moment, a politician visiting from abroad will always find it difficult to fit in.

The lesson from the aborted Sarkozy-Merkel initiative is that this remains true even in an integrating Europe. History and political culture make the differences between German Christian Democrats and right-of-centre French politicians, especially those of Gaullist descent such as Mr Sarkozy, too glaring to be easily ignored. The dawn of pan-European politics is not yet upon us'.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: French presidential election, 2012
ESO: Background information: Sarkozy makes populist push for re-election
ESO: Background information: Sarkozy to bring in German-style reforms
The, 14.3.12: Sarkozy: Merkel won't campaign for me

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