Prevention and control of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-9193-313-6
EC TQ-30-11-263-EN-C
Content Type

This joint guidance report from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) explores good public health practices that can support effective policies to reduce infections. Common blood-borne viruses in this group include HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. These are mainly spread through the sharing of needles, syringes and drug preparation equipment or unprotected sexual contacts.

Seven recommended key interventions involve: injection equipment; vaccination; drug dependence treatment; testing; infectious disease treatment; health promotion and targeted delivery of services.

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Related Links
EMCDDA/ECDC: News Release, 29.11.11: ECDC and EMCDDA to host joint scientific seminar at the European Parliament on the eve of World AIDS Day
EMCDDA/ECDC: News Release, 12.10.11: Seven ways to reduce infections among people who inject drugs: joint guidance report from ECDC and the EMCDDA
ECDC/EMCDDA: News Release, 12.10.11: Seven ways to reduce infections among people who inject drugs: joint guidance report from ECDC and the EMCDDA
EMCDDA/ECDC: Prevention and control of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs: Guidance in brief
ECDC/EMCDDA: Technical Report: Evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to prevent infections among people who inject drugs. Part 1: Needle and syringe programmes and other interventions for preventing hepatitis C, HIV and injecting risk behaviour
ECDC/EMCDDA: Technical Report: Evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to prevent infections among people who inject drugs. Part 2: Drug treatment for preventing hepatitis C, HIV and injecting risk behaviour

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