Factsheet: Responding to the Challenge of Stabilisation in post-conflict Libya

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details PCE/11/163 (1.9.11)
Publication Date 01/09/2011
Content Type

The European Union has stood by the people of Libya in their quest for freedom. Together with the international community it will continue to help Libya in a Libyan-led process of democratic transition and economic reconstruction, based on social justice, inclusiveness and
territorial integrity. In order to address the complex challenges of post-conflict Libya, a broad, comprehensive and swift EU response is already underway. This will cover a range of actions, short to long-term, from establishing trade and economic relations and security sector reform to technical advice and other targeted assistance.

Source Link http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/124491.pdf
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