Europe’s challenges in a globalised world. Visions of leading policy makers and academics. Global Jean Monnet Conference ECSA-World Conference, Brussels, 23-24 November 2006

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2007
ISBN 978-92-79-05876-9
EC NC-78-07-084-3L-C
Content Type
Source Link;pgid=y8dIS7GUWMdSR0EAlMEUUsWb0000yjc41Eo2;sid=Hu8xYulaC9cx6qdp9sqvxYt_GTw3saQ5AJ0=?FileName=NC78070843LC_002.pdf&SKU=NC78070843LC_PDF&CatalogueNumber=NC-78-07-084-3L-C
Related Links
European Commission: DG Education and Culture: Lifelong Learning Programme: Jean Monnet: Europe 's challenges in a globalised world

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