Press Release: New emergency funding to reach Horn of Africa refugees

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/11/838 (06.7.11)
Publication Date 06/07/2011
Content Type

More than five million euros in aid will be sent immediately to the world's largest refugee centre by the European Commission, increasing this year's contribution to alleviating the drought crisis in the Horn of Africa to nearly €70 million.

The Commission is giving €5.67 million to address the upsurge of refugees arriving at the Dadaab camps in Kenya. At least 61,000 Somalis have sought refuge there since the beginning of this year, fleeing hunger, thirst and conflict. Dadaab's refugee population now stands at more than 370,000 in three camps - Ifo, Hagadera and Dagahaley.

More aid to the stricken region from the European Commission will be announced in the coming days.

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