The Euro, the investors and the governance – Proceedings of the seminar in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

Publication Date 2011
Content Type

To pay tribute to Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Notre Europe and the Egmont Institute joined together to organise a seminar entitled 'The Euro, the investors and the governance'. The seminar, held in Brussels on 4 April 2011 in the presence of some sixty personalities, addressed issues that have been the subject of passionate debate since the global financial crisis first rocked the euro zone.

Firstly, to conduct a thorough assessment of the EMU project undertaken in 1999, while clearly separating the first nine years from the 2008-2011 period. Secondly, to respond to the doubt financial and monetary specialists have placed upon the future of the euro. What do investors expect from a common European currency? What do they dislike about the current system? Do they have any proposals for reform, be they institutional or technical? Finally, the third objective was to ascertain what type of EU governance will be able to guarantee both euro zone stability and European Union economic and social development (i.e. job creation, competitiveness and purchasing power).

This publication, a collection of the speakers’ interventions, draws an outline of possible answers to these questions.

Articles by Jacques Delors :
+ The Euro, the investors and the governance - Proceedings of the seminar in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
+ Jacques Delors: 'Superficial' Franco-German engine needs kick-start
+ Europe must plan a reform, not a pact, Financial Times, 3rd March 2011
+ The European Semester: only a first step
+ Interview of Jacques Delors for the Deutschlandradio

Articles by Peter Bofinger :
+ The Euro, the investors and the governance - Proceedings of the seminar in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
+ Eurozone needs a permanent bail-out fund" - Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Peter Bofinger, Henrik Enderlein and André Sapir, Financial Times 28 Septembre 2010

Articles by Jean Pisani-Ferry :
+ The Euro, the investors and the governance - Proceedings of the seminar in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
+ Europe must heed the lessons of Lisbon on energy policy
Landscape after the battle

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