France backs Draghi for ECB presidency

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 27.4.11
Publication Date 27/04/2011
Content Type

Article reports that Mario Draghi, governor of the Bank of Italy, took a big step towards succeeding Jean-Claude Trichet as head of the European Central Bank on the 26 April 2011 after being strongly endorsed by France's Nicolas Sarkozy, acting with Germany's tacit blessing.

Spiegel Online International reported that the German government was likely to support the Italian candidate, but not without demanding concessions in return, possibly including amendments to the euro rescue fund.

EUObserver reported that Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg Prime Minister and chair of the Eurogroup of states, gave his endorsement on the 28 April 2011.

Related Links
Spiegel Online International, 28.4.11: Merkel to Demand Concessions for Backing Sarkozy's Choice,1518,759465,00.html
EUObserver, 29.4.11: Eurogroup chair backs Italian banker for ECB job
ESO: Background information: Germany signals Draghi for top ECB post

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