Press Release: European Union opens up its market to Palestinian exports

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/11/475 (13.4.11)
Publication Date 13/04/2011
Content Type

High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice President of the Commission, Catherine Ashton, on 13 April 2011 signed on behalf of the European Union an Agreement with Prime Minister Fayyad that gives all agricultural products, processed agricultural products and fish and fishery products originating in the West Bank and Gaza Strip immediate duty free access to the EU market.

The only exception from full liberalisation is the specific duty for imports of fruit and vegetables under the entry price system. This duty will remain applicable if these entry prices are not respected.

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Related Links
La Vanguardia, 29.9.11: EU opens borders to Palestinian produce (via PressEurop)
European Parliament: Press Release, 27.9.11: Parliament approves deal to boost trade with Palestinian Authority
European Commission: Speech/11/266: Catherine Ashton: Remarks after the donor coordination group for the Palestine Territories

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