General Report on the Activites of the European Union, 2004-

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2016
Content Type ,

The General Report is published annually by the European Commission and presents an overview of the activities of the EU in a year. Until the volume covering 2008 it was a formal publication with references to further sources of information throughout the text. A revamp in the volumes since 2009 has made it a volume more intended for the European citizen with no bibliographical references to further information but with a more attractive format with photographs.

Note that you can download many of the volumes of the General Report from 1953 from the EU Bookshop website (see related url link)

You can also access further General Reports from the external website called Archive of European integration at the University of Pittsburgh (including some not yet accessible via the EU Bookshop).

Source Link
Related Links
Website: EU Bookshop
AEI: EU Annual Reports: General Report on the Activities of the European Communities, 1954, 1967-1994
AEI: EU Annual Reports

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