Blow to EU talks on budget / EU faces budget freeze as talks stall

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Series Details 12.11.10
Publication Date 12/11/2010
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Efforts to resolve the European Union’s 2011 budget suffered an unexpected setback on the 11 November 2010 after a group of EU Member States refused to give ground in a special negotiating session to Members of the European Parliament on concessions that would give MEPs more say over future EU spending decisions.

On the 16 November 2010 it was reported that the European Union was now facing a budget freeze in 2011 after the failure of last-ditch talks the previous day aimed at reaching a compromise between EU Member States and the European Parliament.

Related Links
Council of the European Union: Press Release: PRES/10/300: EcoFin Council (Budget) Continuation and Conciliation Committee Session, 15.11.10
European Parliament: Press Release, 16.11.10: Q&A on Parliament's position on the budget negotiations
PressEurop, 17.11.10: Parliament loses first battle of the budget
EUrActiv, 12.11.10: EU budget talks collapse
ESO: Background information: MEPs set to accept UK PM’s budget demands
BBC News, 11.11.10: EU opens tough talks on 2011 budget rise
EUObserver, 12.11.10: Breakdown in EU budget talks
Council of the European Union: Press Release, PRES/10/298: EcoFin Council (Budget), Brussels, 11.11.10
European Parliament: Press Release, 12.11.10: Buzek and Lamassoure disappointed at lack of progress in budget negotiations with Council

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