Annual report 2010: The state of the drugs problem in Europe

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2010
ISBN 978-92-9168-432-8
ISSN 1609-6150
EC TD-AC-10-001-EN-C
Content Type

The 'Annual report 2010: The state of the drugs problem in Europe', was launched by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) in Lisbon on 11 November 2010. It is accompanied by a number of supporting publications, which may be accessed via the EMCDDA website.

The complete package comprises the report itself (plus press pack and PowerPoint presentations); two Selected Issue publications, which offer an in-depth review of problem amphetamine and methamphetamine use, as well as issues surrounding older drug users; the 2010 Statistical Bulletin, providing tables and graphs on the European drug situation; and Country Overviews presenting national drug situations.

Source Link
Related Links
EMCDDA: News Release: No.11, 2010: Annual report 2010: Highlights: Europe faces new challenges posed by changes in drug supply and use
EMCDDA: News Release: No.12, 2010: Responding to the drugs problem: Over 1 million drug users a year in treatment, but considerable challenges remain
EMCDDA: News Release: No.13: Drug problems have no age limits’ — more older drug users seeking help, says EMCDDA
EMCDDA: Annual report 2010: The state of the drugs problem in Europe
EMCDDA: News, 10.11.10: Annual report 2010 launch
EMCDDA: News Release: No.10, 2010: Cecilia Malmström: ‘Enhanced monitoring of the movement of illegal drugs across EU borders will help our efforts to tackle organised crime’

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions