Press Release: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council meeting, Luxembourg, 15 October 2010

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details PRES/10/277 (15.10.10)
Publication Date 15/10/2010
Content Type ,

Amongst items discussed: The Council reached political agreement on a draft directive on road use charges for heavy goods vehicles ("Eurovignette" directive), which allows to levy tolls that factor in the cost of air and noise pollution and take account of road congestion.
The Council authorized the Commission to open negotiations with Brazil on a comprehensive air transport agreement.
Moreover, ministers held a debate on transport strategy and the future of transport in the coming decade, in preparation for a White paper on transport policy to be issued by the Commission.
The Council adopted without discussion conclusions on an action plan on global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications, which aims at making full use of the possibilities offered by the European EGNOS and Galileo satellite programmes.

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