Hopes rise over end to Italy paralysis / Berlusconi survives vote, but dependant on rebels

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 29.9.10
Publication Date 29/09/2010
Content Type

Preview and reports of the presentation of the Italian government programme by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to Parliament on the 29 September 2010 after a period of scandals and infighting within the governing parties. Italy’s business leaders were said to be growing impatient with the months of paralysis.

In the event, the Italian Prime Minister won a hard-fought vote of confidence on the programme by 342 votes to 275 in the 630-member lower house and won some breathing space for his government. However, the outcome underlined the fragility of Italy’s ruling coalition, raising doubts over the prime minister’s ability to survive a full five-year term.

Related Links
BBC News, 29.9.10: Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi wins vote of confidence http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11436785
France24, 29.9.10: Silvio Berlusconi wins vote of confidence http://www.france24.com/en/20100929-silvio-berlusconi-confidence-vote-coalition-italy
Deutsche Welle, 29.9.10: Berlusconi survives vote of confidence http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,6058676,00.html
ESO: Background information: After losing parliament, Berlusconi waits in political purgatory http://www.europeansources.info/record/after-losing-parliament-berlusconi-waits-in-political-purgatory/
Corriere della Sera, 30.9.10: Fini’s Group Crucial as Government Secures Confidence Vote with 342 Ayes http://www.corriere.it/International/english/articoli/2010/09/30/chamber-deputies-confidence-Berlusconi-government.shtml
La Stampa, 30.9.10: Birthday boy Berlusconi gets reprieve (via PressEurop) http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/news-brief-cover/349491-birthday-boy-berlusconi-gets-reprieve

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