Eurozone crackdown on public finances‎ / Germany backs tough EU deficit rules

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 24.9.10
Publication Date 24/09/2010
Content Type

Preview of proposals on plans to reform economic governance in the European Union to be launched on 29 September 2010 by Olli Rehn, the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs.

Article says that the proposals are the EU’s most ambitious attempt to reorder its economic governance since the 2010 debt crisis in the eurozone nearly destroyed the single currency. The hurdles facing their implementation, however, remain high as some Member States are fiercely opposed to financial sanctions.

Separately, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, the Institution representing the EU member governments, is heading his own task force examining economic governance. He was set to present his own proposals to EU Finance Ministers on 27 September 2010.

In a letter to all 27 EU finance ministers before the meeting, Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said he 'chiefly supports' the stringent proposals to be unveiled by the European Commission on 29 September 2010.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: Commission lifts veil on future euro stability plans
ESO: Background information: Fiscal rules face obstacles, says Lagarde
EurActiv, 27.9.10: EU faces crunch week in budget discipline talks
EUObserver, 27.9.10: EU enters crucial week for budget rules
Spiegel Online International, 27.9.10: New EU Rules Target Countries with Export Surpluses,1518,719816,00.html
Deutsche Welle, 27.9.10: EU and Germany push for penalties for deficit offenders,,6050677,00.html
European Council: Press Release: PCE/195/10: Remarks by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, following the meeting of the Task force on economic governance, Brussels, 27.9.10

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Countries / Regions