Press Release: World No Tobacco Day 2010: the Commission reaffirms its commitment to fight against smoking

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/10/624 (27.5.10)
Publication Date 27/05/2010
Content Type

Ahead of the 2010 No Tobacco Day (31 May 2010), the European Commission unveiled the results of a Eurobarometer survey which shows that a strong majority of EU citizens support stronger tobacco control measures. For example, three in every four Europeans supports picture health warnings on tobacco packs and smoke free restaurants. The survey also shows, however, that nearly one in every three Europeans still smokes, despite the fact that tobacco kills half of its users. The Commission is planning to launch an open consultation shortly with a view to revising the 2001 Tobacco Products Directive and is stepping up its tobacco control efforts throughout the EU.

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Related Links
European Commission: Memo: MEMO/10/220: The fight against tobacco in the EU: Questions and Answers

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