The origins and development of the European Union 1945-2008. A history of European integration, 2nd ed.

Author (Person)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-0-415-43560-4 (Hbk); 978-0-415-43561-1(Pbk)
Content Type

The new edition of this introduction to the history of the European Union (EU) has been updated to reflect the significant changes within the EU over the past decade. Revealing the politics beneath the surface, national rivalries and changing positions behind events, meetings and treaty negotiations, the text:

provides a thematic history of European economic and political integration in its economic, military, monetary and political contexts

outlines the major schools of thought regarding the causes and motives for European economic integration including the theories of Lipgens, Haas and Milward

considers the economic and political reasons for establishing supranational organisations

evaluates the impact of the collapse of communism on the EU, its policy implications and member states’ responses

contains new and updated material on the Euro, enlargement of the EU, the constitutional debate, EU economic, monetary and foreign policies and other key recent developments


Part 1: Origins
1. Definition and Theories of European Integration 1945-1995
2. The Impact and Significance of the European Federalist Movements and the Council of Europe (1949)
3. Conditions in Europe and America and British Policies 1945-49: Integration or Co-operation?

Part 2: Development
4. The Schuman Plan (1950) and the European Coal and Steel Community (1951)
5. German Rearmament, the European Defence Community and the Demise of the European Army 1950-54
6. From the Common Market, the Treaties of Rome (1957) to the First Enlargement (1973)
7. EMU, the First Stage (1973) to the EU (1991)
8. Single Market (1992) to Single Currency (2000)
9. EU Treaty Changes and EU External Relations 1998-2008

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