Speech: Comments to the press on the situation in Haiti

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details SPEECH/10/2 (14.1.10)
Publication Date 14/01/2010
Content Type

Text of a speech by Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, 14 January 2010.

Related hyperlinks provide further information on the EU reaction to the earthquake in Haiti, January 2010.

Source Link http://europa.eu/rapid/search.htm
Related Links
BBC News, 18.1.10: EU aid for Haiti tops 400m euros http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8465849.stm
BBC News, 18.1.10: Haiti tests European response http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/gavinhewitt/2010/01/haiti_tests_european_response.html
Council of the European Union: Press Release: Council conclusions on the earthquake in Haiti, 18.12.10 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/EN/foraff/112374.pdf
Deutsche Welle, 18.1.10: EU nations pledge 400 million euros for Haiti relief efforts http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,5138828,00.html
European Commission: Press Release: IP/10/24:Catherine Ashton: Rebuilding Haiti is a priority for the EU http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/24&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
European Commission: Press Release: IP/10/25: European Commission supports relief efforts in Haïti with first damage assessment: facts and maps http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/25&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
European Commission: Press Release: IP/10/26: EU Aid Chief to travel to earthquake stricken Haiti http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/26&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
European Council: Press Release, PCE/11/10: Statement by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, on Haiti http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/112370.pdf

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