UK European Consumer Centre

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date February 2016
Content Type ,

The UK European Consumer Centre is part of an EU-wide network of 30 European Consumer Centres (ECC-Net) who offer consumer help and advice:

• Advice and information for UK consumers that are having problems with a company based in another European country;

• Intervention in disputes where the consumer and trader are unable to reach a positive outcome.

The UK European Consumer Centre is co-funded by the UK Government's Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the European Commission.

There is a European Consumer Centre in every EU country as well as in Norway and Iceland, so you can get help and advice at home for problems that occurred abroad.

The Department for Business, innovation and Skills has designated the Chartered Trading Standards Institute as the host of the UK European Consumer Centre.

Source Link
Related Links
Website: European Consumer Centre for Services (ECCS)
Website: UK European Consumer Centre

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