Manual for facilitators in non-formal education

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-92-871-6602-9
Content Type

The aim of the Council of Europe's youth policy is to provide young people — girls and boys, young women and young men — with equal opportunities and experience which will enable them to develop the knowledge, skills and competencies to play a full part in all aspects of society. The programme of activities aims at associating young people, through governmental and non-governmental youth partners, with the aims and priorities of the youth policy of the Council of Europe. The participants in the education and training activities are multipliers who, within their youth organisations or institutions, are involved in training other young people and/or in designing activities and programmes that put into practice the values, standards and objectives that preside over the youth policy of the Council of Europe. The use of non-formal learning principles is combined with experiential learning approaches, the most apt at making the learning experiences meaningful and relevant. Activities are implemented in accordance with quality standards agreed with partners of and participants in the activities. The quality of these activities depends, to a large extent, on the competences and abilities of the facilitators of these educational processes, many of whom are volunteers within youth and community organisations. This manual was developed in order to support them in that role, particularly when they are part of the educational teams of study sessions at the European Youth Centre. The manual provides essential information and practical tips for all who are involved in planning and delivering non-formal education intercultural activities on an occasional basis. This manual is part of the endeavor of the Council of Europe's youth sector to support and develop the quality of non-formal education activities across Europe and, in doing so, contribute to further their recognition.

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