Working conditions and social dialogue

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 17/11/2009
ISBN 978-92-897-0854-8
EC TJ-73-09-143-EN-C
Content Type

This report seeks to investigate the contribution played by social dialogue structures in boosting the quality of work and employment. Focusing in particular on national experience in six Member States (Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden), and the situations of the construction and healthcare sectors, it provides an overview of major framework conditions from both a European and national perspective, presents key findings from existing research and national working conditions surveys, as well as giving an overview of examples of good practice at company level and of the results of case studies carried out as part of the research for this report. The findings are based on research
conducted between July 2008 and May 2009.

Source Link
Related Links
Eurofound: Working conditions and social dialogue: Findings, national frameworks, and good practice at company level: Executive summmary (EC, 2009)
Eurofound: Press Release, 19.6.09

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