Government at a Glance 2009

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-92-64-06164-4
Content Type ,

Government at a Glance is a new, biennial publication of the OECD providing over 30 indicators describing government performance. It compares the political and institutional frameworks of government across OECD countries, as well as government revenues, expenditures and employment. It also includes indicators describing government policies and practices in integrity, e-government and open government, and introduces several composite indexes summarising key aspects of public management practices in human resource management, budgeting and regulatory management. For each figure, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel format.

Table of contents:

-Why measure government activities?
-What can you find in this publication?
-Measurement challenges
-Future work

I. Current and Future Public Governance Challenges
-Selected public governance implications of the global financial and economic crisis
-What are governance challenges for the future?

II. Government Revenues
-1. General government revenues
-2. Structure of general government revenues
-3. Revenues structure by level of government

III. Government Expenditures
-4. General government expenditure
-5. General government expenditure by function
-6. General government expenditure by level of government
-7. General government expenditure by type

IV. Interesecton between the Public and Private Sectors
-8. Production costs in general government

V. Public Employment
-9. Employment in general government and public corporations
-10. Decnetralisation of employment
-11. Employment of women in central government
-12. Ageing workforce

VI. Human Resource Management Practices
-13. Delegation in human resource management
-14. Central government recruitment systems
-15. Staff performance management
-16. Senior civil service

VII. Budget Practices and Procedures
-17. Fiscal sustainability
-18. Budget disclosures
-19. Medium-term budget perspective
-20. Performance-oriented budgeting
-21. Executive budget flexibility

VIII. Regulatory Management
-22. Regulatory impact analysis
-23. Simplification strategies
-24. Formal consultation

IX. Integrity
-25. Conflict-of-interest disclosure by decision makers
-26. Public interest disclosure: Whistle-blowing
-27. Preventing corruption: Public procurement

X. Open and Responsive Government
-28. Open government legislation
-29 E-government readiness
-20. E-government service maturity
-21. Uptake of e-government services

Annex A. Methodology for Revenue Aggregates
Annex B. Classification of the Functions of Government
Annex C. Composite Indexes for HRM, Budget Practices and Regulatory Management
Annex D. Detailed Data from the 2009 Survey on Integrity
Annex E. Contextual Factors
Annex F. Members of the Steering Group

Note: This OECD publication can be accessed in a 'Browse it' format from the OECD website (i.e. you cannot freely print out or download). To obtain the full text you need to access SourceOECD (or its successor OECD iLibrary) or purchase a paper or electronic version from the OECD Bookshop.

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Website: OECD iLibrary
Website: OECD iLibrary

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