Website: Internal Market Scoreboard, 1999-

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
Content Type ,

The Single Market does not deliver benefits automatically. European laws have to be adopted, written into national law and enforced in every Member State. When problems with legislation arise, they need to be solved quickly to ensure that citizens and business are not deprived of their rights.

The European Commission monitors the functioning of the Single Market and controls the full and timely respect of EU law in co-operation with Member States, without which the Single Market cannot function properly.

The Internal Market Scoreboard examines how quickly and how well each of the Member States writes Single Market directives into national law. It also highlights the number of infringements proceedings that are underway against Member States. The Commission starts these proceedings when it considers that a Member State has not implemented an EU law correctly or indeed at all. Usually the Member State is able to rectify the situation soon after the Commission has made a formal request, but in some cases the Commission may if necessary refer the case to the European Court of Justice.

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Countries / Regions