At a Crossroads: Contemporary lives between fate and choice - Anna Bagnoli and Kaisa Ketokivi
On 'an introspective journey': Identities and travel in young people's lives - Anna Bagnoli
Narratives of self and relatedness in eco-communes: Resistance against normalized individualization and the nuclear family - Kirsi Eräranta, Johanna Moisander and Sinikka Pesonen
Who chooses the wedding guests, the couple or the family?Individual preferences and relational constraints in France and Finland - Anna-Maija Castrén and Florence Maillochon
Sharing the same fate: The social bond between the self and fellow sufferers in the context of peer support - Kaisa Ketokivi
Haunting in an age of individualization: Subjectivity, relationality and the traces of the lives of others - Sasha Roseneil
Refelxive self-talk and situated freedom in the context of sociability: An analysis of transgressive drinking in the diaries of young Finnish adults - Jukka Törrönen and Antti Maunu
Gaining perspective on choice and fate: Revisiting critical moments - Janet Holland and Rachel Thomson