Memo: Key elements of the Internal Energy Market Package as proposed by the Commission on 19 September 2007

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details MEMO/09/127 (24.03.09)
Publication Date 24/03/2009
Content Type ,

Facilitating cross-border energy trade with the establishment of an Agency for the cooperation of National Energy Regulators, with binding decision powers, to complement National Regulators. This will ensure the proper handling of cross-border cases and enable the EU to develop a real European network working as one single grid, promoting diversity and security of supply.

Promoting cross border collaboration and investment with a new European Network for Transmission System Operators. EU grid operators would cooperate and develop common commercial and technical codes and security standards, as well as plan and coordinate the investments needed at EU level. This would also ease cross border trade and create a more level playing field for operators.

Increased solidarity: by bringing national markets closer together, the Commission foresees more potential for Member States to assist one another in the face of energy supply threats.
Providing for more effective regulatory oversight from national regulators independent and having all necessary powers;
Ensuring effective unbundling of the generation and transmission of energy so as to eliminate any conflict of interests, promote network investment and prevent any discriminatory behaviour;
Greater transparency: Steps to improve market transparency on network operation and supply will guarantee equal access to information, make pricing more transparent, increase trust in the market and help avoid market manipulation.

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Countries / Regions