Who-is-who directory on network and information security. 2011 edition

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-9204-020-8
EC TP-80-09-724-EN-C
Content Type

The directory contains information on NIS stakeholders, such as national and European authorities and NIS organisations, in all EU Member States, as well as EEA and EFTA countries. It also provides details of contacts in industry and academia, as well as containing a section on other pan-European and international organisations working in this area.

Please note that the directory is regularly updated. The user is therefore advised to check the ENISA website for the most up-to-date edition.

Source Link http://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/studies/who-is-who-directory-2011/at_download/fullReport
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions