Memo: Antitrust: Commissioner Kroes hosts roundtable to discuss future of the Car Block Exemption Regulation

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details MEMO/09/57 (09.02.09)
Publication Date 09/02/2009
Content Type ,

European Commissioner for Competition Neelie Kroes held a roundtable discussion on 9th February at the European Commission's Brussels headquarters to discuss the future of the block exemption Regulation that applies to motor vehicle sales and servicing. Participants included leading figures from all the main stakeholder groups, including consumers, car manufacturers, dealers, roadside assistance operators and independent repairers. The current Regulation is due to expire in 2010 and Commissioner Kroes organised this roundtable to have an informal discussion about the issues and how any change or maintenance of the current Regulation would affect the different categories of operators in the car sector.

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Related Links
European Commission: SPEECH/09/45: Closing remarks at roundtable to discuss future of the Car Block Exemption

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