Author (Person) | Hannay, David |
Series Title | CER Bulletin |
Series Details | No.61, August-September 2008 |
Publication Date | August 2008 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Expectations of a transatlantic honeymoon after the US presidential election are absurdly high. Most Europeans are enjoying the giddy delights of Obamamania, while also thinking that John McCain would do a lot better than the despised George W Bush. Few Europeans have given much thought to the proposed League of Democracies, floated by McCain and senior advisers to Barack Obama. Their proposal is that a club of democratic states should play a significant role in world affairs and help to spread democracy. The Europeans should pay attention, since this proposal could create serious transatlantic stresses and strains. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Europe, United States |