Employment in Europe 2008

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2008
ISBN 978-92-79-09809-3
ISSN 1016-5444
EC KE-AH-08-001-EN-C
Content Type

This is the 20th edition of the Employment in Europe report, which has become one of the main tools of the European Commission in supporting Member States in the analysis, formulation and implementation of their employment policies.

Employment in Europe traditionally provides an overview of the employment situation in the EU, and focuses on a limited number of topics that are high on the EU's employment policy agenda.

Source Link https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/12deb30b-634d-4471-b772-4fd565ca3872
Related Links
European Commission: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities: Employment in Europe Report http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=119&langId=en

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions