Press Release: Ombudsman warns that citizens’ right of access to documents is at risk

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details EO 08/7 02.06.08
Publication Date 02/06/2008
Content Type

The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, has called on the European Parliament (EP) to defend the European Union’s commitment to transparency and the citizens’ right of access to EU documents. This follows the European Commission’s recent proposals to revise the law on public access to documents. In his contribution to today's public hearing in the EP's LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs), the Ombudsman said:

'The Commission's proposals would mean access to fewer, not more, documents. This raises fundamental issues of principle about the EU's commitment to openness and transparency.'

He invited the EP to actively use its role as co-legislator to ensure a successful reform of the current rules.

In 2007, more than a quarter of the Ombudsman's investigations concerned lack of transparency in the EU administration, including the refusal to disclose documents or information.

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