Press Release: EU-US Open Skies: A new era in transatlantic aviation starts on 30 March

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/08/474 (28.03.08)
Publication Date 28/03/2008
Content Type

On 30 March, 2008, the new EU-US Air Transport Agreement took effect. For the first time, European airlines can fly without restrictions from any point in the EU to any point in the US. 'This marks the start of a new era in transatlantic aviation. This Agreement will bring more competition and cheaper flights to the US,' said Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Transports. This agreement is the most ambitious air services deal ever negotiated. The two biggest aviation markets, encompassing 60% of world traffic, will cooperate closer in all fields of aviation policy. In May 2008, the European Commission will engage in second-stage negotiations with the US. 'A fully Open Aviation Area between the EU and the US must remain our objective,' adds Vice-President Barrot.

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Related Links
European Commission: MEMO/08/185: The EU-US "Open Skies" Air Transport Agreement- Q&A
Association of European Airlines: Open Skies: the EU‐US Air Transport Agreement, 2008

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