UK to resist working time compromise

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Series Details 19.10.06
Publication Date 19/10/2006
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The Finnish presidency is making a last-ditch bid to push for stricter EU rules on working hours. But with the UK government likely to remain as stubborn as ever on maintaining its exemption from the working time directive, ­negotiators will have a fight on their hands.

Finnish Labour Minister Tarja Filatov will produce a compromise text at an ­extraordinary meeting of employment ministers next month (7 November).

With Germany supporting the UK opt-out, the presidency will have trouble overcoming British opposition. ­Germany lent the UK its support as part of a deal where the UK in turn backed its opposition to the takeover directive, which was blocked in 2001.

New member states, such as Poland and ­Slovakia, which adopted the directive ­unwillingly when they were negotiating entry to the EU, are also likely to back the UK.

The UK government won its opt-out from the directive, which sets a ­ceiling of 48 hours on the average working week, 13 years ago. Two years ago, Vladimir Spidla, employment and social ­affairs commissioner, announced plans to end it. He was supported by MEPs who voted to phase out the ­exemption over a period of three years.

UK industry argues that the freedom to choose working hours is at the heart of the country’s ­flexible economy. "Any deal reached on working time must include an opt-out which allows flexibility for both EU employers and employees," said Sean McGuire, senior policy ­adviser at the Confederation of British Industry.

Such was the UK’s ­desperation to retain the opt-out, it is rumoured, it ­almost agreed to back Italy on calling for anti-dumping tariffs on imports of leather shoes from ­China and Vietnam at the beginning of this month - against its usual free ­market instincts.

Finnish, German and Portuguese employment ministers will be meeting at the informal summit in Lahti tomorrow (20 ­October). Working time is not on the agenda, but will be one of the topics of ­discussion.

Everything now hinges on achieving a compromise next month. The Finnish presidency would be reluctant to continue negotiations, if efforts fall flat. And Germany would certainly not be taking up the matter when it takes over the ­rotating presidency at the beginning of next year.

The Finnish presidency is making a last-ditch bid to push for stricter EU rules on working hours. But with the UK government likely to remain as stubborn as ever on maintaining its exemption from the working time directive, ­negotiators will have a fight on their hands.

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