Press Release: Commission proposal to overhaul EU food labelling rules

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/08/112 (30.01.08)
Publication Date 30/01/2008
Content Type

On 30 January, 2008, the European Commission adopted a proposal to make food labels clearer and more relevant to the needs of EU consumers. The aim of the draft Regulation is to modernise and improve EU food labelling rules, so that consumers have, in a legible and understandable manner, the essential information they need to make informed purchasing choices. Under today's proposal, pre-packaged food will have to display key nutritional information on the front of the package. General requirements on how nutrition information should be displayed on food labels are also set out, although there is room for Member States to promote additional national schemes provided they do not undermine the EU rules. For public health reasons, the draft Regulation extends the current requirements for allergen labelling to cover non pre-packed food, including food sold in restaurants and other catering establishments. Industry should also benefit from the proposed new rules, as they set up a clearer, more harmonised legislative framework for food labelling and create a level playing field for all operators. The draft Regulation was drawn up following extensive consultations with consumer organisations, industry and other stakeholders.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: MEMO/08/64: Questions and Answers on Food Labelling

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Countries / Regions