Press Release: Joint Statement on situation in Somalia by EU High Representative Javier Solana and European Commissioner Louis Michel

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/1972 (20.12.07)
Publication Date 20/12/2007
Content Type

We welcome the commitment of Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein for a lean Government and his intention to select half of the Minister's from outside the Parliament. We consider that this would be an important step in enhancing the effectiveness of the Government and facilitate the reconciliation process with the main opposition movements inside and outside Somalia. We are extremely concerned by the humanitarian plight of the Somali people and urge all parties to stop the fighting. We remain ready to assist and facilitate, in coordination with the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, efforts towards a cessation of hostilities and a ceasefire process paving the way for meaningful political dialogue between all parties. An effective Transitional Federal Government remains essential to meet the commitments of the Transitional Federal Charter and the National Reconciliation Congress and we reiterate the call for the urgent elaboration by the Transitional Federal Institutions of the road map for the remainder of the Transitional period. This includes the preparation for a constitutional referendum and elections by 2009. We are ready to provide a targeted package of assistance to strengthen the Transitional Federal Institutions based on a mutual understanding on progress to be made on the political process.

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