Davidson review: Implementation of EU legislation. Final report

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 28/11/2006
ISBN 978-0-11-840484-6
Content Type

In 2005, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, asked Lord Davidson to examine selectively the stock of EU-sourced legislation in the UK and identify measures where unnecessary regulatory burdens could be reduced or simplified. Lord Davidson reported in November 2006, concluding that while the over-implementation of European legislation may not be as widespread in the UK as it is sometimes claimed, there were still areas of existing legislation where regulatory burdens could be removed. This revised guide has been updated to incorporate Lord Davidson's recommendations and should improve further the UK's implementation of EC obligations.

Source Link http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/davidson_review281106.pdf
Related Links
United Kingdom: HM Treasury: Independent reviews: The Davidson Review on Implementation of EU legislation, November 2006 http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/davidson_index.htm

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