Press Release: Commission wants to involve young people better in society

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/1281 (5.9.07)
Publication Date 05/09/2007
Content Type

As Europe's population grows older faster and the pool of young workers shrinks, the EU will rely more and more on its younger generation. According to a Commission analysis presented on 5 September 2007, young people are often insufficiently prepared to take on this responsibility. One in six young Europeans still leaves school early and 4.6 million 15-24 year-olds are unemployed. The document highlights the need, at EU and national level, to invest more and earlier in youth education and health and to improve transitions from education into work. It also stresses the importance of involving young people more in civic life, as well as in society as a whole.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: MEMO/07/343

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Countries / Regions